The school is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and prepares the students for CBSE Class XII Public Examinations. The medium of instruction is English. The School has a well-trained and qualified staff. The teacher – student ratio has generally been maintained at around 1 :30.
Normally We do not have more than 45 students in a class so that personal attention becomes possible.
Moreover tutorial classes for weaker students are also arranged whenever necessary. Private paid tuition are totally prohibited. Tests and examinations at regular intervals ensure continuous monitoring of students’ academic performance. An assessment meeting, chaired by the Principal, is held after each examination to assess and evaluate students’ performance and to take up necessary corrective measures in respect of the weaker students.
Languages taught in the school include English, Hindi and Sanskrit. The other subjects in the curriculum are Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Social Studies, Accountancy, Business Studies, Political Science, Painting, Information Technology, General Science, and Computer Science. The school is affiliated to the CBSE Board New Delhi. The school thus follows CBSE Board Syllabus and provides curriculum of learning in accordance to the norms of CBSE board from I class to XII class.
Academic Year:-
The academic year lasts from the 1st of April of a calendar year to the 31st of March of the next year. The school has a long break for summer (during May – June) and a short break for winter vacation (during October-November), the dates of which are announced during the respective academic year.
First term : June to October
Second term : November to March
The curriculum for class I to XII is as prescribed by the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi. The School offers courses in Science, Commerce and Humanities at the Senior Secondary level.
Academic Session CLASS I TO VIII: – English (First Language), Hindi, Mathematics, Science, & Social Science
CLASS IX/X : – English (First Language),Hindi, Sanskrit, Mathematics, Science & Social Science